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MKK Language Services -

Translations with expertise and style

German - English - Spanish

Nowadays you can easily find translation services online. They are fast and often times created by a machine translation tool. But those who value style, quality and customer service usually have to search longer.


The quality of a translation is based on the customer's needs. But there are also objective criteria for quality: A translation needs to be correct and accurate. This does not only refer to correct spelling and grammar. Extensive research, adequate terminology and the translator’s specialized knowledge in the respective subject area ensure true quality.


A good translation needs to be complete and, if necessary, there should even be an explanation added for the reader’s understanding. It should also be oriented to the desired target group and rooted in the culture of the target language.


Anyone who needs a certified translation (of certificates, birth certificates, etc.) for authorities or courts needs an authorized translator with legal expertise.


But it is also advisable for the translation of your own website to look for a professional translator who is familiar with search engine optimization (SEO).


In marketing and tourism in particular, it is essential to address customers adequately. This can only be done with culture-specific language that grabs the target group’s attention.


I can offer you high quality translations with expertise and style at fair prices.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to advise you on the best service for your needs.

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Start: Über mich

M. A. in Specialized Translation for English and Spanish

Melanie Kopton-Kubenka

I discovered my passion for foreign languages when I was still in primary school:


At a very young age I had a pen pal from a primary school in Ecuador. Through this I was able to exchange ideas with a peer from a completely different culture. All of this was made possible a volunteer who translated our letters.


The words in Spanish that I couldn't understand were translated into German and suddenly understandable - that fascinated and shaped me. From then on I knew that I too would like to enable intercultural communication one day.


A lot of time has passed since then, but I have never lost sight of my goal: Today I am a professionally trained translator for English, Spanish and German.


With me you can count on expertise in the foreign and specialized language, translation and the foreign culture.


My career:


  • Bachelor's degree in Translation, Language and Culture at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, gratuation in 2016

  • 2012: year abroad in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

  • 2014: semester abroad at the Universidad Nacional Córdoba, Argentina

  • Master's degree in specialist translation at the Technical University of Cologne, graduation in 2019

  • Authorization as a translator of the English and Spanish language for judicial matters in Rhineland-Palatinate by the President of the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz


Member of the interpreter and translator directory at

Start: Dienstleistungen
beglaubigte Übersetzung

As an authorized translator at the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz, I am able to issue certified translations from English and Spanish into German. In this context, I translate and certify amoung others birth certificates, diplomas, school reports, qualifications or job references . Find out more about certified translations and my range of services here.

Furthermore, I am specialized in the field of law and can prepare legal translations of contracts, certificates, data protection agreements or other documents with or without certification. Correct terminology and style is especialy relevant for legal translation.


Use the button to request a quote or the contact form to receive a  free quote!

SEO-optimiert Übersetzen

SEO-optimized translation

What's the best place to hide a corpse? On page 2 of the Google search results! This is a very truthful joke that you may already have heard.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is nowadays one of the most important, most cost-effective and most effective tools of website positioning, which is decisive for visibility and growth . When translating website content, the natural use of the keywords and the legibility of the text in the target language can be lost. Therefore skills such as creativity, eloquence, technical understanding, a basic knowledge in marketing and cultural and linguistic competence are essential for the SEO optimized translation. I can offer you these skills for the translation or content creation of your website.


Use the contact form and I will be happy to advise you!


Marketing, Lifestyle, Tourism and Sustainability

Do you need a professional translation for your corporate identity? In areas such as marketing, lifestyle, tourism and sustainability in particular, it is important that texts are written in an appealing, honest manner that grabs the attention of the reader.

A "mere translation" is often not enough. In these areas you should create emotions and address the reader at the right level in order to reach them. That is why I offer target group-oriented, authentic texts that are stylistically adapted to your company. For this, too, creativity and specialist knowledge are essential. I have acquired this through my professional experience. In addition to translation, I also offer copywriting, editing and transcription.

Use my contact form to book a consultation on your needs!

Checking Text on a Document

Copywriting and transcreation

Is it worth having my message translated or should I have it rewritten?


It is precisely when highly culture-specific texts one is often faced with the question of whether the message of the text or the company is well received in the target culture. In such cases there are two options: transcreation or re-writing. In transcreation , the "classic translation" is taken one step further and adapted to suit the culture, target group and situation, with the original text only functioning as part of the briefing, so to speak. Target-language copywriting is used for the creation of a new text that is unique and rooted in the target culture.

I will happily advise you which solution is suitable for you in an individual consultation. Contact Me!

Which services can I provide?



For regular translations, my prices are based on per word or per line pricing. These are based on the source text. A standard line comprises  of 55 characters including spaces.

However, not only the volume of the text to be translated is taken into account, but also the degree of difficulty and specialization of the translation. The formatting effort also comes into play in the price calculation. In addition, I may charge an express surcharge for very urgent inquiries.

For other services such as copywriting, SEO translation, interpreting and transcreation, I charge package prices based on the number of words or as an hourly rate.

Upon request, I will be happy to send you a free quote without obligation any time.

Please use the contact form or write to me in English, Spanish or German at

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